Mary Larsen and George Dolan wedding
Marriage index for Mary Larsen and George Dolan wedding
Elizabeth (Ramspott) Dolan
Marriage License issued announcement for George Dolan and Elizabeth Ramspott
Marriage Record for George Dolan and Sadie Ramspott
Death Certificate for Elizabeth (Ramspott) Dolan
Obituary for Elizabeth (Ramspott) Dolan
Funeral record for Elizabeth (Ramspott) Dolan
Application for social security number for George Dolan
Death Certificate for George Dolan
Obituary for George Dolan
Funeral record for George Dolan
Death Certificate for Beatrice (Dolan) Lacy
Obituary for Beatrice (Dolan) Lacy
Marriage Record for George Dolan and Vera Csuma
Birth record for William Elmer Dolan
Baptismal Certificate for William Elmer Dolan
Marriage Record for Susanna Cavatario and William Elmer Dolan
Application for social security number for William Elmer Dolan
Death Certificate for William Elmer Dolan
Obituary for William Dolan
Obituary for William Ramspott
Obituary for Bertha (Ramspott) Kemper
World War I Draft Registration Card
Robert Balch
Susanna (Cavatario) Dolan
Birth Certificate for Susanna Cavatario
(note spelling of last name)
Memorial card for Vera Dolan
Death Certificate for Milton Henry
Death Certificate for Walburg (Shene) Ramspott
Obituary for Walburg (Shene) Ramspott
Funeral record for Arthur Lacy
Death Certificate for Delores Kemper
Obituary for Catherine (Newenhas) Kemper-Holthaus
Obituary for Thomas Kemper