Birth | 8 Apr 1892 | Clara Agnes Bunkers was born on 8 Apr 1892 in Granville, Sioux County, Iowa. |
Possible Birthdate | 18 Apr 1892 | According to at least one source, her birthdate was 18 Apr 1892. |
1900 Census (with Parents)
| 4 Jun 1900 | Clara appeared in the 1900 Federal Census of East Orange, Sioux County, Iowa, as Clara A. Bunker, in the household of her parents, Barbara and Henry Bunkers. She is a single white female. She is a daughter of the head of household. Born April 1892, age 8. She and her father were born in Iowa, her mother was born in Germany. She attended school 10 months. |
1910 Census (with Parents)
| 20 Apr 1910 | Clara appeared in the 1910 Federal Census of East Orange, Sioux County, Iowa, as Clara Bunkers, in the household of her parents, Barbara and Henry Bunkers. She is a single white female, age 18. Daughter of head of household. She was born in Iowa. Her father was born in Iowa, her mother in Luxemburg. She speaks English. She has no occupation. She can read and write. She attended school. |
Marriage | 29 Jan 1918 | Clara Agnes Bunkers and Arthur Joseph Full, son of Ferdinand Full and Susan Thill, were married on 29 Jan 1918 in Sioux, Iowa. |
Residence | after 29 Jan 1918 | After 29 Jan 1918 Clara Agnes Bunkers and Arthur Joseph Full lived in Taunton, Lyon County, Minnesota. |
1920 Census (Spouse of Head)
| 26 Jan 1920 | Clara appeared in the 1920 Federal Census of Burton, Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota, as Clara A. Full, with her husband, Arthur Joseph Full. Their son, Ferdinand, was listed as living with them. She is a married white female, age 27. Wife of head of household. She can read and write. She was born in Iowa. Her father was born in Iowa. Her mother was born in Luxemburg, her mother tongue is German. |
Residence | 1929 | In 1929 Clara Agnes Bunkers and Arthur Joseph Full lived in Granville, Sioux County, Iowa. |
1930 Census (Spouse of Head)
| 1930 | Clara appeared in the 1930 Federal Census of East Orange, Sioux County, Iowa, with her husband, Arthur Joseph Full, and their children, Ferdinand, Raphael, James, Alvin and Mark. |
Death | 19 Mar 1933 | Clara Agnes Bunkers died on 19 Mar 1933 at age 40. Cause of death: pneumonia.  |
Burial | after 19 Mar 1933 | She was buried after 19 Mar 1933 in Saint Joseph's Catholic Church Cemetery, located in Granville, Sioux County, Iowa.  |