Possible Birthdate | 16 Feb 1878 | According to at least one source, his birthdate was 16 Feb 1878 birthplace was Banner County, Kansas. |
Birth | 26 Feb 1888 | Chester W Vosler was born on 26 Feb 1888 in Kansas. |
1900 Census (with Parents)
| 9 Jun 1900 | Chester appeared in the 1900 Federal Census of Riverton, Fremont County, Iowa,in the household of his parents, Mary and George Riley Vosler. |
1910 Census (with Parents)
| 20 Apr 1910 | Chester appeared in the 1910 Federal Census of Clear Creek, Saunders County, Nebraska,in the household of his parents, Essa and Walter Clay Vosler. |
Marriage | 1918 | Chester W Vosler and Hazel E Decker were married in 1918. |
1920 Census | 5 Jan 1920 | Chester W Vosler appeared as head of household in the 1920 Federal Census of Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska, as Chester Vosler. Living with him was his wife, Hazel, and their children, Bessie and Ruby. |
1930 Census | 28 Apr 1930 | Chester W Vosler appeared as head of household in the 1930 Federal Census of Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska, as Chester Vosler. Living with him was his wife, Hazel, and their children, Bessie, Ruby, Nolan, Lorena and Thelma. |
1940 Census | 9 Apr 1940 | Chester W Vosler appeared as head of household in the 1940 Federal Census of Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska, as Chester W. Vosler. Living with him was his wife, Hazel, and their children, Lorena, Thelma, Beverly and Margaret. |
Obituary | 23 May 1963 | Chester W Vosler's obituary appeared in the The Lincoln Evening Journal on 23 May 1963 in Lincoln, Nebraska, on page 31.  |
Death | 23 May 1963 | He died on 23 May 1963 in Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska, at age 75. |
Burial | after 23 May 1963 | He was buried after 23 May 1963 in Ashland Cemetery, located in Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska.  |