Minnie Lee Simpson
b. 20 August 1868, d. 20 July 1923
Birth | 20 Aug 1868 | Minnie Lee Simpson was born on 20 Aug 1868 in Kentucky. |
Possible Birthdate | May 1872 | According to at least one source, her birthdate was May 1872 birthplace was Kentucky. |
1880 Census (with Parents)
| 26 Jun 1880 | Minnie appeared in the 1880 Federal Census of 5th Magistrial Dist., Pendleton County, Kentucky, as Minnie Simpson, in the household of her parents, Marie and Joshua Hilman Simpson. She is a single white female age 11. Daughter of head of household. She attended school within the year. She was born in Kentucky. Her father was born in North Carolina, her mother in Kentucky. |
1900 Census (with Parents)
| 18 Jun 1900 | Minnie appeared in the 1900 Federal Census of Grassy Creek, Pendleton County, Kentucky, as Minnie Simpson, in the household of her parents, Marie and Joshua Hilman Simpson. She is a single white female, age 28. Daughter of head of household. Born May 1872 in Kentucky. Her father was born in North Carolina, her mother in Kentucky. She can read, write and speak English. |
1910 Census (with Father)
| 18 Apr 1910 | Minnie appeared in the 1910 Federal Census of Grassy Creek, Pendleton County, Kentucky, as Minnie Simpson, in the household of her father, Joshua Hilman Simpson. She is a single white female, age 42. Daughter of head of household. She was born in Kentucky. Her father was born in North Carolina, her mother in Kentucky. She can speak English. She has no occupation. She can read and write. |
Death | 20 Jul 1923 | Minnie Lee Simpson died on 20 Jul 1923 in Grassy Creek, Pendleton County, Kentucky, at age 54.  |
Burial | after 20 Jul 1923 | She was buried after 20 Jul 1923 in Knoxville Cemetery, Pendleton County, Kentucky.  |