Birth | 27 Dec 1864 | Mattie Gerrault Thach was born on 27 Dec 1864 in Mooresville, Limestone County, Alabama. |
Possible Birthdate | 1865 | According to at least one source, her birthdate was 1865 birthplace was Mooresville, Alabama. |
Marriage | 10 Jan 1889 | She and James Daniel Clary, son of John Washington Clary and Martha Poplin Ogilvie, were married on 10 Jan 1889 in Bell Buckle, Bedford County, Tennessee. |
1900 Census (Spouse of Head)
| 2 Jun 1900 | Mattie appeared in the 1900 Federal Census of Fordyce, Dallas County, Arkansas, with her husband, James Daniel Clary, and their children, Katie, Rowena, Patsy, James and John. |
1910 Census (with Parents)
| 15 Apr 1910 | Mattie appeared in the 1910 Federal Census of Bell Buckle, Bedford County, Tennessee,in the household of her parents, Catherine and William Thomas Thach, with her children, Patsy and John. |
1920 Census | 20 Jan 1920 | Mattie Gerrault Thach appeared as head of household in the 1920 Federal Census of Fordyce Township, Dallas County, Arkansas, as Mattie G. Clary. Her children, James, Patsy and John, were listed as living with her. |
1930 Census | 10 Apr 1930 | Mattie appeared in the 1930 Federal Census of Fordyce Township, Dallas County, Arkansas, as Mattie T. Clary. Her son, John, was listed as living with her, as well as her sister, Helen Thach. |
Death | 22 May 1939 | Mattie Gerrault Thach died on 22 May 1939 in Fordyce, Dallas County, Arkansas, at age 74.  |